SURE+ 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop
December 5, 2019 · Wageningen University
To improve the cross-domain exchange within the project and to foster collaborations among all sub-projects within SURE+, the joint science and social science seminar will be a platform for postdocs, Ph.D. and SURE+ related project participants to communicate their methodology and research findings. It can also serve as a platform for collaboration on future potential research development.
Two presentations each time (with one presenter from the environmental science group, and one presenter from social science group).
Each presentation takes 15 minutes, and 15 minutes for Q&A. It can be a monthly seminar (with one time in Lumen and one time in Leeuwenborch).
Time: 12.30 – 13.30pm, Thursday, December 5th, 2019
Room: C0078, Leeuwenborch [at] Wageningen Campus
Time | Title |
12.30 – 12.45 | Potential pesticide losses to Chinese waters: some preliminary resultsPresenter: Ang Li (Water Systems and Global Change, Wageningen University) |
13.45 – 13.00 | General Question and Answer |
13.00 – 13.15 | Land tenure security in rural China: An economic psychological perspectivePresenter: Chen Qian (Development Economics Group, Wageningen University) |
13.15 – 13.00 | General Question and Answer |
For future presentation please contact Fan Li (fan.li@wur.nl) and Mengru Wang (Mengru.wang@wur.nl).
Detailed abstract of each paper is presented as follow:
Potential pesticide losses to Chinese waters: some preliminary results
Ang Li
Above 1.5 million tons of pesticides are annually applied to the agricultural land since 2006 in China. Persistent pesticides are transported by surface runoff to waters and these toxic pesticides in waters posed great risk for human health and the biodiversity in waters. These potential pesticide losses to water may be accelerated under global change in the future. To capture the spatial distribution of the potential pesticide losses to waters in the past, we applied a spatial explicate model for China. We also estimated the potential pesticide losses under Shared Socio-economic Pathways and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) for the year 2050. In the year 2010, potential pesticide losses are concentrated in the North China plain, Southern East and Middle West of China. These areas are with the higher pesticide application rate, deeper slope, or/and heaver rainfall.
Keywords: potential pesticide losses, Shared Socio-economic Pathways and Representative Concentration Pathways, China
Land tenure security in rural China: An economic psychological perspective
Chen Qian
Land tenure security has long attracted considerable attention in development economics due to its potential effects on agricultural investment and productivity. Although determinants of tenure security have been studied in existing literature, limited attention was paid so far to its psychological and affective-side drivers. This paper aims to fill this gap by paying particular attention to how the farmers’ personality traits affect both land tenure security in rural China. Specifically, by applying the ordered Probit model on a large-scale data set collected from 1362 paddy rice farm households in rural China, we empirically examined the effect of personality traits on the de facto implementation of legal tenure security and farmers’ perception of tenure security at the grass-root level. We find that farmers scoring high on agreeableness were less likely to be distributed land documents from village government. Moreover, a significantly positive effect of land certificate on farmer’s perceived tenure security was observed, however, the significance did not hold as we further took farmers’ personality traits into account. Alternatively, our result indicates that less extrovert and more neurotic farmers were more likely to affectively feel insecure regarding land tenure in the future.
Keywords: personality traits, tenure security, perceived tenure security, China
Additional Details
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